Thursday, December 16, 2010

The icicle speaks again...surprised I haven't frozen to death here

So that idea didn't work. For some reason the furnace wasn't getting enough oxygen or something. So finally at about 7:30 they all left. Saying they'll have to come back tomorrow (which is now today) and have tech support out here to figure it out. Apparently they have never come across such a problem house. So we went without heat last night, minus an electric heater. It is about 50 degrees in my house at the moment. When I first woke up about an hour and 15 minutes ago, it was colder than that. The thermostat only goes down to 50 but the little hand thing was below that. Of course they felt horrible that they couldn't figure it out and left us with no heat, especially since it turned really cold outside last night. So I'm sitting here freezing and hoping they'll get here soon to work on getting it up and running. I have visiting teaching at 10, so Tyler will be here so I can go do my thing, and I can't wait to go so that I can be in my warm car. And I bet the homes of the sisters I'll be visiting are nice and warm.

Does anyone know about what temperature hypothermia sets in? I think I'm nearing that point. :) But I am pretty sure that the temperature in my house is the same as my fridge. When I opened it, I didn't feel any difference.

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