Friday, December 17, 2010

Middle Child Syndrome - Yeah Right!

So I got thinking earlier about the whole 'middle child syndrome.' Let me tell you, there is no such thing! I remember when I was about 12 or 13, I was on a trip with my mom and sisters, and in a motel room one night we were watching 'Mad About You.' And it made some comment about the middle child syndrome (this was the first my sisters and I had heard it). And there's Lacey exclaiming "So that's what's wrong with Candice!" While at the same time I was like "What?!" And I have given this 'middle child syndrome' much thought. And you know what? THERE IS NO SUCH THING! This is not a syndrome. Let me refer to my trusty Webster's New World Dictionary on the definition of 'syndrome'. It reads "a set of symptoms characterizing a disease or condition.' I have heard people say that the middle child envisions themselves getting the least amount of attention. There is no envisioning here. When it came to my family, Lacey was put on a pedastal because she was older and more mature. And Tamra was the baby, so therefore was spoiled. And then there was me. I hardly got away with anything, my parents had higher standards set for me. You might think it's all in my head, but it isn't. For one, Tamra and Lacey were allowed to date before they were 16, I was not. I got grounded for going to track practice. When I was younger my parents made me allow Tamra to play with my friends and I, and once when Tamra had a friend over and I was really bored and asked if it was ok to play with them, she said no, so I went to my mom (the way she always did whenever I said no) and my mom told me to leave them alone. So it's not a syndrome, we middle children are just truly not noticed as much as the other children. Trust me, I know of what I speak. So there's my little rant of the day.
See here? I'm convinced I was crying because I was being picked on. Notice the way I'm being man handled? :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Winter Wonderland

Because of the freezing temperatures of last night, this is the world we woke up to in the morning. It was a winter wonderland. As I was driving to my visiting teaching appointments I was just in awe. I had forgotten how much I love the way the trees look with frost clinging to them. I hate the cold, especially freezing temperatures, and especially when I don't have heat in my house. But it's worth enduring the cold for views like these.

Small Blessings

So the furnace is working now! Hurrah Hurrah! The previous owners did some really weird things with the wiring and a whole lot of other things. They are at this moment getting the thermostat hooked up. We are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel! And my house is much warmer than it was when I woke up this morning. It was below 50, I think I may have already stated that in the previous post, but whatever, there it is again.

Now I love taking long showers. And when I have to hurry and take a short shower, it's still considered a long shower by most peoples standards, according to my husband anyway. And I often run out of hot water by the end of my shower, or at the very least, starting to run out of it. But this morning while my house was absolutely freezing, I'm not even going to comment on how cold the tile floor was in the bathroom...oh wait, I just did mention, oh well, it was very cold. So as I was saying, while the house was freezing, I had a glorious hot shower that never ran out of hot water, never even started to run out. And it was the same length of time as they normally are. I think Heavenly Father took pity on me. :)

So I must give thanks to Him for this small blessing :) Thanks ever so much!

The icicle speaks again...surprised I haven't frozen to death here

So that idea didn't work. For some reason the furnace wasn't getting enough oxygen or something. So finally at about 7:30 they all left. Saying they'll have to come back tomorrow (which is now today) and have tech support out here to figure it out. Apparently they have never come across such a problem house. So we went without heat last night, minus an electric heater. It is about 50 degrees in my house at the moment. When I first woke up about an hour and 15 minutes ago, it was colder than that. The thermostat only goes down to 50 but the little hand thing was below that. Of course they felt horrible that they couldn't figure it out and left us with no heat, especially since it turned really cold outside last night. So I'm sitting here freezing and hoping they'll get here soon to work on getting it up and running. I have visiting teaching at 10, so Tyler will be here so I can go do my thing, and I can't wait to go so that I can be in my warm car. And I bet the homes of the sisters I'll be visiting are nice and warm.

Does anyone know about what temperature hypothermia sets in? I think I'm nearing that point. :) But I am pretty sure that the temperature in my house is the same as my fridge. When I opened it, I didn't feel any difference.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Brrrrr Colder still

So far it has been 8 1/2 hours and still they aren't finished putting in the furnace! Apparently my house is arranged weird so the guy had to get 2 more guys here to brainstorm on what to do. Finally figured out where to put the pipes and they are working on that now. I am even colder now than I was earlier. It's around 58 degrees in here. Brrrrr. WHEN WILL THIS AGONY END?! I AM FREEZING! I'M ABOUT TO BECOME AN ICICLE!

Baby it's cold outside...and it's seeping into the house!

As of this moment a new furnace is being installed in our house, so of course no heat is on. I am desperately hoping it won't take long (Tyler tells me 6-8 hours, but I am hoping for a miracle and it will be really quick). It is starting to get really cold in my house, and of course it snowed last night, so it's colder outside today than it has been for the last week. Figures. And I can't light the pellet stove because I have no idea how to start it. I think the igniter thing is burnt out. I can't wait till we get a wood stove next year, those are much simpler. Cheaper too, since we get our own wood. Tyler said, when he came to look at our furnace and show us what kind of furnaces they have at Plumb Line, that our furnace was the worst he'd ever seen. Granted he hasn't been working there long and says he's only seen about 80-100, but ours was the worst. He later told me that when he showed the pictures of our furnace to all the guys he works with, their eyes went wide. So apparently it was really bad. (For those of you who are unawares, Tyler is my brother-in-law).

With this new furnace we'll be saving about $800 a year. Sweet! I like to hear that. Of course we got like the most expensive furnace, but we'll also save the most with it. Really it was a better deal in the long run and we plan to be in this house for quite a few years, at least.

Oh I'm so cold!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I saw this quote that Tammy had posted on facebook that I absolutely love!

Woman was created from the rib of man. Not from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be walked upon. She was made from his side to be his equal, from beneath his arm to be protected by him...From very near his heart to be loved by him.

Friday, December 3, 2010


My best high school bud recently shared a quote with me by Jeffrey R. Holland. She and I are going through the same trial of unable to have children and this quote has helped her a great deal. It's one that really helps you have peace with your lot.

We must go forward. God expects you to have enough faith, determination, and trust in Him to keep moving, living, and rejoicing. He expects you not simply to face the future; He expects you to embrace and shape the future - to love it, rejoice in it, and delight in your opportunities. God is eagerly waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams; just as He always has. But He can't if you don't pray, and He can't if you don't dream. In short, He can't if you don't believe.

How true is that. Even through our trials, or maybe especially through our trials we still need to have faith and go on with a happy heart. Some days that is far from an easy thing to do. But if we believe our Heavenly Father will carry us through, then we can get through. And some day, perhaps not necessarily in this life, he will bless us with the righteous desires we hold in our hearts. I am so thankful for this knowledge and for the testimony I have of this. So thank you Keira Lee for sharing this quote with me!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010