Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ah ha ha

Well I have now gotten my lil sis hooked on Twilight. I've been trying to get her to read it for more than a year, but she's not much of a reader. But in order to get her to read the series, I had to make a deal with her. She reads Twilight, I have to watch all the seasons of Smallville (her obsession). And let me tell you, I am over joyed. Super duper excited. (note: sarcasm, in case you hadn't caught on) Tamra didn't expect to like Twilight, but she's almost done with it. Today she had to call me when she was on her lunch break because she wanted to talk about it. I told her she would like it, but she doubted me, O ye of little faith.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Well I finally saw Twilight last night and I must say it met my expectations. It wasn't great, but like I said, I wasn't expecting it to be great. It was mediocre (did I spell that right? I have no idea). You just can't make a good movie from a book that is amazing, at least what I deem as amazing. Most of the characters are not how I imagined them to be, looks and personality. You can't always help with the looks, but the personalities? They could have done so much better. I also wish that they had made the movie into a 3 hour movie instead of 2 so that they wouldn't have had to cut out so many good parts. You know they make quite a few movies that long now, why not Twilight? Oh well. It's a good thing I like reading books better than watching movies.

The other night Shalum and I were home teaching and Shalum got a call on his phone, he just shut it off. On the way home he looked at the missed call, it was a number he didn't recognize, and asked me if I knew it. It was familiar to me but I couldn't place it. I thought of a couple people it could have been but wasn't sure. One person I though of was my ex-step-father. So Shalum calls the number and says 'I saw I have a missed call from this number' the person on the line was all 'no, not from this number', Shalum was all 'yeah, I have a missed call from this phone number', the guy was all 'what's a missed call?', Shalum was all 'you called my phone and I missed it.' the guy was all 'who is this', so Shalum tells him and the guy was all 'Oh, yeah I'm looking for Candice.' Yeah, it was Gary, my stepdad. It was a little weird, I hadn't seen or talked to him in a year and a half. He was all talking to me asking how me and my sisters are. And he was looking for my mom's number. Which was interesting, they don't talk, my mom wants no contact with him whatsoever, and they've been divorced for almost 10 years. Anyway as we were talking it became quite clear to me that he was drunk, surprise surprise. He kept repeating the same questions. At first I was thinking something was wrong with him, like he has alhzeimer's or something. Then I was like what am I thinking, he's drunk. When is he not drunk? So anyway I ended up giving him my mom's house phone, figuring he can just look in the phone book and get it, but I wouldn't give him her cell. Well after we hang up, he calls back a minute later and says she didn't answer and asks if he could have her cell, I just told him no, I didn't have the number on me at the moment. So anyway, after we hang up, I called my mom figuring she saw it was him calling and refused to answer. I was right. The first thing I said was "why are you not answering your phone?" She sat there for a second then, "How did you know Gary called me?" So I told her, she wasn't so happy. I found out her home phone is unlisted. I actually knew that, but had completely forgotten, oops. She all but threatened my life if I gave him her cell. :] Shalum, sitting right next to me, could hear what she was saying, so he's threatening to call him and give it to him, so she's threatening to take some of his christmas presents back. It was all very humorous to us. Mother wasn't so amused. She told me I need to stop being so nice.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Wii

I went and played Wii with my mother and sister this evening. It was so funny. Me mum's so cute. A couple months ago George, my step-dad, made a Mii and it looks JUST like him, it is hilarious.


Today I went to the doctor to get a physical (to make sure I'm all healthy and all - part of the adoption process) My doctor is so sweet, she's so excited that we're doing this and kept talking about these people she knows who adopted a girl from China and a boy from Mongolia. So now she's also on the wagon, hoping the time goes by quickly and we'll get chosen to a raise a child. I had to get a TB shot, a flu shot, a tetinus shot, and 3 capsules of blood taken, so my freakin arm hurts! I had the blood taken because we just found out that my dad has Protein C Deficiency and we think my grandma has it and possibly both of her parents had it. I, and my sisters, have a 50-50 chance of having it. I've only done a little research so far, but basically if you have the disorder you are much more likely to suffer from blood clots than the average person, and you have an even greater risk of getting them while you're pregnant or on birth control pills. My dad has to take medication to thin his blood. Well rat poison isn't exactly medication, but that's what he's gotta take. Fun stuff, eh?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

November, ugh

It is now November. I have been dreading this month all year long. This is the month I turn 25. And I am not happy about it. In truth, it absolutely depresses me. The reason for this? I was married at 19 and wanted to have children right away, yeah didn't happen. So I'm mourning my childlessness and my plans I had all my life (marry young and have kids right away) Part of the plan happened the way I wanted. I'm not as depressed as I was before (I'm still not looking forward to turning a year older, I'm just not as depressed) because I now have hope again since we've started the process of adoption (I hate filling out paper work, but it's gotta be done). The past several months were really hard on me. Half the time I was extremely angry and bitter, the other half I was extremely depressed. And I have the hardest time being around anyone who's pregnant or has a baby. In fact I hate it. I have the hardest time going to church each Sunday because of this. There are a few women who are pregnant or just had a baby. In actuality, the past 2 or so years have been hard. I was on clomed twice, each for 6 months, and that gave me bad mood swings. But now that I've got some hope, I'm doing ok. It's amazing what a little hope can do for you. In fact Thayne (my bro-in-law), a couple days ago, made a comment on how I seem a lot happier.

Anyway, so I told Shalum, and a few other people, that we are not going to celebrate my birthday and if anyone so much as wishes me a happy birthday I'm going to hit them...hard. However I told Shalum that we are going to see Twilight that night (it comes to theaters on my birthday) because it's my birthday (He doesn't want to see it). And he was all "I thought we weren't gonna acknowledge your birthday" and I told him "this is the only acknowledgement we're going to give it, that I get to do whatever I want, that's it." I am so excited to see Twilight, even though I know I'm not going to like it very much. I rarely (as in most cases with people) like a movie based on a book. They have to take a lot out in order to fit it into 90 minutes or so. So we miss a lot of good scenes. However if I see the movie before reading the book, I usually like both.

A fair trade

Well Shalum is off buying yet another gun. A $400 gun. Does that mean I get to buy $400 in books? It's only fair, right? A lot more fair than Shalum's trade: every book I buy, he gets to buy a gun. Yeah right.

Friday, October 31, 2008

My Superhero

I am married to a superhero. My husband has this AMAZING ability to find coins on the ground. He finds them practically wherever he goes. I have this obsession with saving change and being the sweet husband that he is, he finds them for me. But of course there are many times (seriously every time we go somewhere) he'll say "quarter" and I'm all "where" and start looking all around. There usually is no quarter, he just thinks it's funny because I look everytime. I think it's cruel. Today we hit the jackpot. We were at his sister Tammy's house and her driveway was full of coins! We found 55 cents. And of course Shalum found the majority of them. I love my superhero husband.

On the side, who in their right mind would vote a man to be the president of the United States of America who refuses to pledge his allegiances to our nation?!

"We have two hampers now"

Well Shalum and I have started the process of adopting. We are at the beginning stage. The paper work. We went to a meeting a week and a half ago and had our first interview. It will take about 6 months before we're approved. So hopefully the time will go quickly because 5 years has been long enough to wait.

Shalum and I love the movie "Young Frankenstein" and Shalum is always quoting lines from it. We were watching the end of it last night and there's a line that I had completely forgotten, and when we heard it, we busted up laughing over it. "We have two hampers now, one for shirts and one for dirty socks and poopoo undies." So now Shalum is quoting that line, so like him. A little earlier, after he had said it a million times, I was like "why do you keep quoting that line." His response "why do you laugh everytime I do?" And it's true I do, it cracks me up. So I was in the bathroom doing my hair and he got up and said "we have two hampers." And I was like,, and then I realized what he was referring to. When he got in the shower he put his clothes in one of the hampers and says, "I hope I put them in the right hamper." Do you see what I have to live with! Kim, i know you helped raise him. Be proud. (Shalum just read this and he's like "do you always make fun of me" and "I didn't say any of that")