Friday, October 31, 2008

My Superhero

I am married to a superhero. My husband has this AMAZING ability to find coins on the ground. He finds them practically wherever he goes. I have this obsession with saving change and being the sweet husband that he is, he finds them for me. But of course there are many times (seriously every time we go somewhere) he'll say "quarter" and I'm all "where" and start looking all around. There usually is no quarter, he just thinks it's funny because I look everytime. I think it's cruel. Today we hit the jackpot. We were at his sister Tammy's house and her driveway was full of coins! We found 55 cents. And of course Shalum found the majority of them. I love my superhero husband.

On the side, who in their right mind would vote a man to be the president of the United States of America who refuses to pledge his allegiances to our nation?!

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