Friday, September 17, 2010

Fortune Cookies

Heavenly Father really has a sense of humor. Of course, I already knew that, but this just confirms it. Shalum and I went to the temple yesterday. Before we go I usually get in really bad moods (all Satan's work, of course, if it weren't for him I would probably be the sweetest person. Just saying :]). So I get in these bad moods and the night before we went, I was in one of those bad moods. I was ranting and raving at Shalum. While I was doing this I opened a fortune cookie that was on our kitchen counter. I read the little paper, and just started laughing. Shalum was all "what, does it describe you perfectly?" I said "I don't want to tell you." It had said 'Be calm and collected, peace is a virtue.' So then, even though I was laughing, I was still a little annoyed at him. I grabbed the other cookie and said "this one's for you" and as I opened it Shalum said "does it say something about putting up with your wife?" When I read it I started laughing again. His read 'Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.' And there was Shalum making his protein drink with this know-it-all look on his face and said "Even the Chinese know." It effectively got me out of a bad mood. So I say, Heavenly Father has a sense of humor. He works in funny ways sometimes. :D

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