Sunday, January 18, 2009

What's beyond the discomfort zone?

So when you're not in your comfort zone, you're in the discomfort zone, right? Well I am beyond the discomfort zone right now. For the past 3 years I have had callings with the youth in our ward. A month after we moved into our current ward, Shalum and I were called to teach 14-15 year olds sunday school class. I loved it. About 8 months into that calling, I got released and was called to be 2nd counselor in Young Women's. Difficult at first for me, but loved. I absolutely love the youth in our ward. I got released from that calling this last September. I had that calling for exactly 2 years. After being released I was extended the calling of teaching sunday school for 14-15 year olds again. Since I was still going to be with the youth, I didn't cry that much when I got released. Since September, I have also taught the 16-17 year olds most Sundays (they were the group I had taught before I was in YW) I was thrilled with this calling. Absolutely loved it. Well a few weeks ago we found out that they are going to add another ward, a 5th ward. So we lost families to other wards and gained a couple new ones. I figured I would be set in my calling. I new the bishopric liked where I was and they wanted to keep me there. But apparently the Lord had other plans. As of last week, I am now the 1st counselor in Relief Society. YIKES! I tend to be on the shy side and stay in the background. So this will be very trying for me. I will do my best and pray it's good enough. Now when I was extended this calling and released from sunday school, I could not stop crying. I did not want to leave the youth and I did not (still do not) feel I am up to this new calling, absolutely terrified. After I got sustained last Sunday I heard that one of the kids I taught, leaned over to his mom and said "Did I really have to sustain her?" I am really going to miss the youth.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Bless your heart! I know those types of callings that touch your heart. You will be great in RS.. keep your head up and your heart and all will be find...