Saturday, November 10, 2012

The 5th of November...

Remember, remember, the 5th of November....

Guy Fawkes's attempt to blow up Parliament in 1605 is not the reason our little family remembers the 5th of November. We have a MUCH better reason. November 5th, 2012, is the day that our adoption of Jared was finalized! It took a long time with many delays, but FINALLY, he is officially ours. Instead of going down to Vegas for the court date, we were able to stay in Elko and be on a conference call with the judge and our lawyer. And it was quick! The phone call lasted 6 minutes, and about a minute of that was us on hold. I am so happy it's over! No more monthly visits, no more having to get permission to travel out of state with him. 

I love this little man of ours and am so grateful for him! And so grateful for his birthparents, Kylia and Dakota. Without them I wouldn't have the wonderful privilege of being Jared's mom! And I love seeing Shalum and Jared together. Shalum is such an awesome dad!

 For some reason I couldn't get this picture to turn. Oh well.

This is our caseworker, Tracey

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