Sunday, November 28, 2010


Shalum and I started decorating for Christmas yesterday! And we hung our stockings!

Shalum was saying we need to take his stocking over to my mom's so she can fill it instead of filling the one she has for him.

I guess I haven't been very good this year :(

This made us laugh so hard when we saw the giant stocking and decided to do this. In fact we laugh every time we see it. And it's the first thing you see when you come into our house. Bwahahaha

Friday, November 26, 2010


Ok so this year we went to Yerington to see some of my family. And it was so much fun! Both of my sisters were there, dad and Joanna, Aunt Tammy and Uncle David, Grandma, and cousins (I'm not in the mood to list all of them right now, so you'll just have to do with cousins). I have not laughed so much in a long time. I actually had a sore throat by the end of the night. I love getting together with family. We played games after dinner, which was a blast. Dinner was delicious! And I had sweet potatoes for the first time and they were soooooo yummy. I feel I was cheated the first 27 years of my life! :) Here are some pics of Thursday

Larry's daughter, Shelby, and my sister Tamra. We all thought it was funny they were wearing the same sweater.

My dad and Aunt Tammy (although not in that order)

My cousin Zach. And Uncle David looking on wondering why his son is such a dork (Shalum would say it runs in the family, and I think I'd have to agree :])

Rachelle, Shelby, Sarah, and Kenni Lynn

Sister Lacey and my Grandma :)

My cousin Larry and my dad. I was trying to get them to smile but they were being difficult.

Ah ha! I am triumphant!

Zach is 20 years old and 6'8" and still growing!