Sunday, October 10, 2010


We had such a scare last night. My 15 year old nephew, Harlon, was out in the desert around the town on his dirt bike. He headed out at about 3pm and the bike broke down at around 5pm, I think, and he was quite a ways out, not even entirely sure where he was. Kerry, his mother, had gone out looking for him for a couple of hours, but it started getting dark and she wasn't entirely sure where she was plus she almost got stuck, so she headed back home to her other kids and let the deputy look for him. She couldn't get a hold of Shayne who was out at work on night shift, fortunately when she called Shalum, also on night shift, was right there so she talked to him. He tried getting a hold of Shayne but with no luck. Shalum called me about 9pm telling me a little bit and told me to go wait with Kerry. I was there all night. The deputy would call every once in a while to see if we'd heard from him yet. Harlon had his cell phone but the battery was starting to die at 6pm when he was first talking to Kerry. It finally died at I think about 10 or 11. In fact Harlon at that time actually saw the cop's lights, but the phone died right when he tried to call the cop (they had been talking off and on up until that moment). The cop was some distance away with a ravine between them, so Harlon couldn't get to him. Harlon didn't have any food, water, flashlight, nothing. Fortunately he had a sweater, not a thick sweater, but at least he had it. I finally fell asleep about 6am on Kerry's couch. Woke up when Shalum showed up at 7am. And while we were trying to figure out what to do and Kerry was on the phone with Shayne who had just found out and was on his way home, Harlon called. He had turned the phone off during the night hoping to get some power later on, and fortunately he did. He told her he was on a road near Osino and then his phone died. So Shalum and I headed out (but there are a lot of little roads in Osino), Shayne also headed that way when Kerry called him back. Fortunately the road Shayne had taken took him straight to Harlon. The poor kid was tired, hungry, thirsty, and a bit cold, but alive. That was a long awful night. I am just so grateful he's ok.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

I did this one last year, but I thought it was so funny with Shalum's face I decided to post it again
Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!