Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve with my family. Spent time with dad during the day and me mum come evening. We had a lot of fun.

Shalum here was posing for the camera.

Here I realized how he was posing and couldn't stop laughing.

Shalum doesn't care too much about getting his picture taken. He'll let you take his picture, but half the time he'll have some goofy look on his face suh as in this picture.

Playing games here.

Me mum made us all aprons for Christmas.
I love this time of year. Especially what Christmas represents. The birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior. His life and His atonement are the greatest gifts we have ever gotten. And I can't even begin to explain how grateful I am for Him, for His teachings, His example, His suffering, His very life. I've been thinking about Him a lot more often this past month. One reason was because we celebrate His birth this time of year, but another reason was that earlier this month I was on a jury for a child abuse case. It was really hard on me, for everyone involved. And I thought a lot about how our Savior paid the price for all. He paid for our sins, our pains and our sorrows. And I am eternally indebted to Him.


This is Tamra and Tyler's dog, Tess. She's a Great Dane and the most loveable dog. She's huge! and heavy. She'll stand next to you and lean on you with all her weight. It is hard to hold her up. She's so funny. She is pretty much the center of Tamra and Tyler's lives. We were teasing them Christmas Eve that when Tess dies their relationship is going to fall apart.
She's their child. In fact when my mom is over there Tamra will tell Tess to go to grandma.

Tess just climbed up on Tyler's lap and he was like ummm...ok