Sunday, January 18, 2009


It was pretty funny, 3 Sundays ago (I think it was 3 weeks ago) Garrett came into sacrament meeting and sat right behind me. I turned around and asked him where Tiffany was (his fiance). He looked at me and said "I don't want to talk about it" and then puts his head down. So I turned around and was thinking "Oh my gosh, they broke up." So I told Kerry (sis-in-law) sitting next to me and I mouthed it to Shalum who is the ward clerk and so sits up on the stand. So he mouths it to Shayne (his brother) who is 1st counselor in bishopric. And well the bishop was also reading shalum's lips, and the 2nd counselor is all "what?" So they all know, and are like "oh wow, what happened" sort of thing. Some time later Garrett leans over and tells me where she is and he's just kind of mad at her is all. And I was like "why didn't you just tell me that! I thought you broke up and I'm telling everyone that!" He was like "what! you dork, i can't believe your starting rumors!" we all had a good laugh over that.

What's beyond the discomfort zone?

So when you're not in your comfort zone, you're in the discomfort zone, right? Well I am beyond the discomfort zone right now. For the past 3 years I have had callings with the youth in our ward. A month after we moved into our current ward, Shalum and I were called to teach 14-15 year olds sunday school class. I loved it. About 8 months into that calling, I got released and was called to be 2nd counselor in Young Women's. Difficult at first for me, but loved. I absolutely love the youth in our ward. I got released from that calling this last September. I had that calling for exactly 2 years. After being released I was extended the calling of teaching sunday school for 14-15 year olds again. Since I was still going to be with the youth, I didn't cry that much when I got released. Since September, I have also taught the 16-17 year olds most Sundays (they were the group I had taught before I was in YW) I was thrilled with this calling. Absolutely loved it. Well a few weeks ago we found out that they are going to add another ward, a 5th ward. So we lost families to other wards and gained a couple new ones. I figured I would be set in my calling. I new the bishopric liked where I was and they wanted to keep me there. But apparently the Lord had other plans. As of last week, I am now the 1st counselor in Relief Society. YIKES! I tend to be on the shy side and stay in the background. So this will be very trying for me. I will do my best and pray it's good enough. Now when I was extended this calling and released from sunday school, I could not stop crying. I did not want to leave the youth and I did not (still do not) feel I am up to this new calling, absolutely terrified. After I got sustained last Sunday I heard that one of the kids I taught, leaned over to his mom and said "Did I really have to sustain her?" I am really going to miss the youth.